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This website collects ongoing information and results from the research- and innovation program Framtidens Elsystem, as well as the previous program SamspEL. The research- and innovation program Framtidens Elsystem is one of the main investments from the Swedish Energy Agency that focuses on the development of electric power system. The program finances projects that generate insights on and address challenges of the issues concerning energy production, energy use and grid systems of the future.
Främja Framtidens Elsystem is a support project for the research- and innovation program Framtidens Elsystem. The goal of the support project is to spread and make use of the learnings from Framtidens Elsystem, disseminate the knowledge to a wider audience through synthesis reports, topical seminars, engaging conferences and invigorating networking. Together with this knowledge portal framtidenselsystem.se, the support project provides a unique way to reach out research and innovation within academia, public authorities, as well as energy- and electric industries.
Discover the project database
The project database gathers all the granted projects under the program Framtidens Elsystem and perviously SamspEL. At the moment there are nearly 140 completed and ongoing projects registered under the database, of which the topics cover from the entire energy landscape.